Predoctoral Research

For academic year 2025-2026

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Aviso de próxima convocatoria

​​Postgraduate research / studies in Spain, either for independent research or research in support of a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation.

Up to 11 awards are offered mainly for independent postgraduate research in areas of mutual U.S./Spanish interest. Projects dealing with contemporary issues are especially encouraged. Fulbright Spain's Open Study/Research awards facilitate access to research and studies representing a wide range of disciplines. The aim of these awards is to strengthen educational and cultural relationships between the U.S. and Spain and to provide grantees with opportunities for research collaboration that extend into the future. Core funding for this program is provided by the U.S. Government and the Spanish Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Education. Engaging in university coursework may be considered, but not as the sole purpose of the project, and university fees are not covered by the grant benefits. Course listings may not be confirmed until after universities begin and enrollment of foreign students is not guaranteed. 

Full description of the award:
Deadline for submission
of applications
From Apr 1, 2024 to Oct 8, 2024
​​All disciplines.
  • ​​United States citizenship.
  • Advanced graduate students, doctoral candidates, and those with previous research experience will be given priority. Graduating seniors will also be considered.
  • Intermediate proficiency in the Spanish language is required. A basic understanding of catalá, galego, or euskera is recommended for general research or study in the respective regions prior to beginning the grant.
  • Letter of affiliation. Candidates must arrage their own affiiliation with an academic institution in Spain.

Candidates with dual U.S./Spanish citizenship are not eligible to apply, nor are applicants who are residing in Spain at the time of application or during the academic year prior to the grant. Study abroad in Spain as part of undergraduate studies is not considered residency in Spain. However, other full-time studies at an institution based in Spain or participation in an auxiliar de conversación program are considered residency in Spain.

Please also check the official announcement on the Institute of International Education (IIE) website:

​Please refer to the Institute of International Education (IIE) website for detailed information on application requirements:

The application itself can be found here.
Grant Duration
​​9 months.
Grant Period
​Grants will begin on September 15, 2025 and end on June 14, 2026. Attendance at the in-country orientation during the first half of September 2025 (prior to the grant start date, dates will be confirmed in summer 2025) is mandatory.

Initiating the award at a later date in the 2025-2026 academic year will be considered only in extraordinary circumstances.
Grant Benefits
​These amounts are for reference only and might be adjusted:
  • 1,100 € round-trip travel expenses; 
  • 1,378 € monthly maintenance; 
  • 200 € relocation allowance; 
  • Up to 500 € project-related expenses;
  • 400 € dependent support (one-time payment);
  • Health benefit plan up to $100,000 per accident or sickness

​In the U.S.
Additional Information
​The official award announcement, eligibility information, and application are available on the IIE website:

The main contact during the application process is IIE:

To confirm whether or not a Spanish host institution is acceptable, you may contact the U.S.-Spain Fulbright Commission Information Service at Please note that the Commission cannot arrange or suggest affiliations.