Grants for U.S. Citizens

Inter- and Intra-Country Lecturers

For Senior Scholars and Professional

30 - June - 2025

U.S. Scholar Awards

For Scholars and Professional

16 - September - 2025

Predoctoral Research. For Academic Year 2017-2018

Convocatoria cerrada
(resuelta para el curso 2017-2018, mostrada sólo a título informativo)

​Postgraduate research / studies in Spain. 

Objectives Up to 24 awards offered mainly for independent postgraduate research in areas of mutual U.S./Spanish interest. Engaging in university coursework may be considered, but not as the sole purpose of the project, and university fees are not covered by the grant benefits. Course listings may not be confirmed until after universities begin and enrollment of foreign students is not automatic. Projects dealing with contemporary issues are especially encouraged.
Deadline for submission of applications From 31-March-2016 to 11-October-2016
Disciplines ​All disciplines.
  • ​United States citizenship.
  • Advanced graduate students, doctoral candidates, and those with previous research experience will be given priority. Graduating seniors will also be considered.
  • Intermediate proficiency in the Spanish language is strongly recommended.

Candidates with dual U.S./Spanish citizenship are not eligible to apply.

Please also check the official announcement on the Institute of International Education (IIE - website 
Forms Check the Institute of International Education (IIE) website:
Grant Duration ​9 months.
Grant Period Grants will begin on September 15, 2017. Attendance at the Madrid orientation prior to that date is mandatory.

Initiating the award at a later date in 2017-2018 will be considered only in extraordinary circumstances.

Grant Benefits These amounts are for reference only and might be adjusted:
  • $1,250 travel expenses; 
  • 1,300 € monthly maintenance; 
  • 200 € relocation allowance; 
  • Up to 500 € project-related expenses;
  • 400 € accompanying family member (one-time payment);
  • Health benefits up to $100,000
Calendarios proceso de selección In the U.S.
Observations Official announcement and application available on the IIE website:

The main contact during the application process is IIE:

For information purposes about Spanish institutions only, you may also contact the U.S.-Spain Fulbright Commission Information Service at